Bujinkan Brisbane

Japanese Martial Arts

Training Information

At Bujinkan Brisbane we welcome beginners, new members and visitors from other dōjō. Our aim is to provide quality instruction in a fun, safe, friendly and supportive training environment. There is no upper age limit and we are open to students of all cultural backgrounds and levels of physical ability. Currently we only run adult classes and prefer applicants to be at least eighteen years of age.

We are a private martial arts club and all applications for membership are subject to an interview.
  1. As our main dōjō is in the Brisbane suburb of Moggill, please check the location and training times first and ensure that you can easily get to our training regularly.
  2. Please send us an email at bujinkanbrisbane@gmail.com with your enquiry. If you can, let us know a bit about yourself, any training history and what you are interested in. We will get back to you to arrange a time to discuss on the phone, or in person and answer any further questions you may have.

Class Times

Mondays and Wednesdays

Foundation Class : 6:00 - 7:00pm
Kata Class : 7:00 - 8:00pm

Foundation Class : 9:00 - 10:00am
Kata Class : 10:00 - 11:00am

※ Foundation Classes cover the basic techniques of Budō Taijutsu and are suitable for beginners.
※ Students may also attend Kata Classes once they have a fair grasp of the basic techniques.

Training Fees

Pricing Options:
Casual: $20
Five Class Pass: $80 (valid for three months)
Monthly: $100 / month

※ The casual fee for visitors from other Bujinkan Dōjō is $10.
※ Concessions are available for those under financial hardship. Please contact us for details.


Classes are conducted at a private dōjō in the Brisbane suburb of Moggill.
Please contact us for the exact location.


We can be contacted at bujinkanbrisbane@gmail.com
When you send us an email, we will only use your email address to answer your enquiry and you will not be put on a spam list or be sent any additional marketing / advertising material.

Please also visit our Facebook Page.